Taking a stand on standing stones
I'M WITH IAN and Sue, a couple of time travellers living in deepest Northumberland. Ian, a skilled silversmith and jeweller, had a workshop on The Hirsel estate, outside Coldstream. An interest in how metal was worked in the past led to metal-detecting, and the discovery of the Abbey St Bathans Hoard…
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Editorial Comment
SOMEWHAT LATE in the day, but, it is to be hoped, not too late, concern about the activities of the artificial intelligence industry is finding expression across the creative community…
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A Smart Search Box can produce better sales results at minimal cost!
THE IMPORTANCE of accurately searching online content of an organisation's website could not be overemphasised as it could help enhance further interests in the business and eventually increase the overall revenue…
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Do we really need another National Park?
IT'S INTERESTING that Galloway, a forgotten, slightly moribund part of the country may become Scotland's third National Park.…
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Back in Time to the 20s
A POINT IN TIME is a section of a survey of Scottish art from 1800-1945 being exhibited in the National Galleries on the Mound in Edinburgh. This sub-section focuses on art, mainly painting from the 1920's, (with a couple from the 1930's and 40's) During this period visual art was experiencing a move towards modernism.…
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Illuminating gaffer Kirsty
THE LAW FAMILY are not only artistic, but they're mad about boats. That's been the case since 1997 when they bought Kirsty, a sailing yacht or, to be more precise, a Loch Fyne skiff. For landlubbers, it seems odd but impressive that Pat and Andy, with daughters Mhairi and Kirsty, would work for months…
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It's all in the family down in Wooler
IS TALENT inheritable? Cesare Lombroso thought perhaps. In the Man of Genius, he cites Francis Galton, the founder of British eugenics, who calculated a ratio of 250 geniuses to every million in a population. He considers the phenomenon of the Bach family…
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The Clare Henry Arts Oscars
PAI, Paisley Art Institute: artists Joe Hargan, Eslyn Barr and Marie Louise defied bureaucracy, relocating the 150 year old PAI from Paisley to Glasgow Art Club, a move to revitalise both organisations…
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Crowning achievement for Maclean?
WITH THE sudden death, just as the last issue of ArtWork appeared, of Calum Macdonald, Scotland's artistic community lost one of its most talented graphic professionals…
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