Its protective sheeting half blown off in the wind, the burnt out shell of Mackintosh's masterpiece makes a sorry sight on the Glasgow skyline. Clare Henry calls for action, p5.…
I'VE BEEN TALKING with James Fox, Creative Director of the Hugo Burge Foundation. It's a dank, dreich February day, and James is far away, so we are on the phone, but, really, I can tell, he'd rather be in the walled gardens at Marchmont…
ArtWork uses a Smart Search Box that produces positive results at minimal cost! - THE IMPORTANCE of accurately searching online content of an organisation's website could not be overemphasised…
THE EXCUSES for delay with rebuilding Glasgow School of Art have been many. Is it they actually just don't want to rebuild, restore, replace? Really they want to sell the site for money? Sell to the highest bidder? Hotel probably. Make money from a tragedy? And If not - why is there NO progress??…
I'M WITH my geordie friend Marra, outside the Lit & Phil in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, close by Central Station…
THIRTY YEARS ago, after a ten year search, James Brown bought for £25,000 Baltersan Castle, a ruined 16th century tower-house near Maybole in Ayrshire. From the time when he was a boy Brown, now a retired businessman from Ayr, was obsessed by the idea of owning a castle. Knights on chargers, portcullises, dungeons and the odd crenellation in a parapet were his passion…
IT'S SIX P;CLOCK on a March evening and the once rumbustiously noisy Summerhall art centre is strangely quiet. The main phone seems to be off the hook and whilst the pub is busy there seems to be very little else happening…
Cyril Gerber Fine Art in Glasgow is currently featuring the work of the celebrated artist in wood Tim Stead. Shown above a selection of Stead‘s smaller pieces.…
BACK IN 2018 an abandoned retail space in Stirling town centre was given a whole new lease of life. 'Made in Stirling' (MIS) opened its doors, providing the public with a completely different shopping experience. Welcoming over 100 local artists from across Stirlingshire to sell their work, this carefully curated 'show and sell' concept, not-for-profit store, sells everything from ceramics and jewellery to food products, photography and fine art, and lots more…
IRREVERENT, charming, unique, talented, did not give a damn... a few words to describe the late great Jack Vettriano…
Its protective sheeting half blown off in the wind, the burnt out shell of Mackintosh's masterpiece makes a sorry sight on the Glasgow skyline. Clare Henry calls for action, p5.…