Issue 234
Winter 2024/2025

The Artwork Logo

Feb 22, 2025

See pdf for current issue (below):
ArtWork Newspaper Issue 234
Winter 2024/2025 (5.76MB)

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Send us details of an event for listing on the ArtWork Guide here


WHO IS BEHIND YOU? Who provides your backing?

The answer, refreshingly, is no one. We have no hidden persuaders telling us what we can and cannot print.

We are answerable only to you, our readers, and to our advertisers, who have seen fit to back us since day one.

As a matter of policy, ArtWork has never applied for any form of subsidy or sponsorship from any source. We believe that today, more than ever before, it is essential to have the freedom to say what we like, when we like about whom we like..

However you dress it up. Sponsorship? or funding? as it is euphemistically called, limits your freedom to do this.

If you agree with these aims you can help us by taking out a subscription, telling potential advertisers about the highly cost effective service we offer, and keeping us on our toes.

Let us know what you think of the paper? what is right and what is wrong and keep us informed of what is going on around you.

If you would like to get involved, write or e-mail us telling what you can offer. This applies particularly to readers south of the Border. After over two decades as the North's Arts Newspaper we are ready to march south.

Sponsors, funding bodies, self-publicists and arts councillors and the like - beware!

NORTHERN BOOKS FROM FAMEDRAM It's a half price offer with the link below (usually £35/£25)

The Crafts in Scotland 1950-1990
Click here for online purchase or
print and fill the form